Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quick Bite: IT'S ALL GOOD by Gwyneth Paltrow (Book Signing & Book Review)

Subtitle: Delicious, Easy Recipes That Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great

Book Signing
Arrived at the William Sonoma on 59th Street and Lexington Avenue in NYC on Tuesday, April 9. Scheduled start time for the signing was 5 p.m. and the line was around the block when I arrived at 4:30 p.m. Gwyneth (I feel like I have the right to call her "Gwyneth" now seeing as I stood on a line for over an hour) arrived only 15 minutes late, which was pretty remarkable, all things being considered.

Line moved remarkably quickly. I was very impressed with how streamlined the process was. Ever seen cattle being herded? If yes, then you can visualize the experience I underwent. No pushing or shoving though. The crowd was very polite and gentile--but seriously could one expect anything else considering we are talking about fans of the GOOP here.

Upon being herded through and entering the store, we were instructed that no photos could be taken when we were waiting for our books to be signed. Photos could only be taken on the sideline AFTER your book had been signed.

My rather sad photo of Gwyneth signing someone else's book?!?

So, it was no wonder that the line moved so quickly. Gwyneth probably spent no more than 2 seconds with each person. No personal interaction, and her people certainly kept that line moving. Though she does take the effort to draw a heart around her name on the title page. So there's proof. Gwyneth does "heart" her fans.

Book Review

Considering the scathing reviews that both the book and the author have been receiving, it might have helped for her to deign to speak with us regular folk. She is accused of being elitist and out-of-touch, and her recipes are viewed as a joke. One Amazon reviewer noted her incredulity on a recipe being included for boiling an egg. Most damning of all is the review she received from the NYT, which focused on the astronomical cost of actually making some of her recipes.

Now, I am a foodie, but I'm an "eater," and not a "cook-er," so hard for me to review a cookbook. (I picked up the book as a favor for my sister.) The recipes and accompanying instructions were scant to say the least. Also, confusing to know what actual recipes are in the book. There should have been a recipe list in the back of the book if the editors didn't wish to clutter up the aura of minimalism on the Contents page. Book design as inspired by Calvin Klein--but that would be so Gwyneth.

The "star" of the book, in my opinion, are the photographs. Absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately, even a lot of the photos are simply filler--mostly of Gwyneth in contemplative poses, and oddly on a Vespa.

Final thought: spend the $35.00 on purchasing the classic The Joy of Cooking.

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